Monday, February 24, 2020

Case Study for Internet and E-Business Assignment

Case Study for Internet and E-Business - Assignment Example From the research it can be comprehended that the present e-Business environment has been catalyzed by the growth of the ecommerce concept since the early part of this century. The term â€Å"E-Business† essentially means the process of executing business operations as well as key business processes for any organization using the electronic medium or more effectively the internet media. Various organizations around the globe have essentially spent a considerable portion of their finances for the purpose of integration of technology in their key businesses processes through the usage of various advanced level business software suites. The favorable e-commerce environment has significantly contributed to the growth of various e-businesses like Amazon, eBay, Flipkart etc. in the last 10 years and thereby has contributed to the growth of various models of e-Business ranging from B2B, B2C, C2B and even C2C. The B2C (Business to Consumer) model is the business model where organizati ons are the sellers or providers of services and the individual consumers are the buyers. The alignment of this business model with the internet has helped the companies to cater to consumers all around the globe. Since Oxenford Business College is increasingly trying to compete with other business colleges in terms of providing distance as well as online courses, hence, this model can help the college to generate large revenue by connecting to a global community of students. The B2B (Business to Business) model of business increasingly represents the process of conducting businesses between various large organizations, which are increasingly playing the roles of both the buyer and the seller as well. Oxenford Business College can simply take the benefits provided by this business model by the process of rendering online classes to a group of employees of an organization. 3.2 Model analysis with respect to revenue generation Talking in lines of revenue generation, it can be said tha t many large business organizations around the world implement the online version of the B2B and B2C business model through the application of intranets as well as extranets. This integration of technology in their business processes helps them to communicate and execute key business processes with their subsidiaries and consumers on a real time scenario. For the case of Oxenford Business College, it can be said that the online B2C model provides a huge prospect in terms of revenue generation. Through the rendering of online classes and course content, the college can provide educational services to global students. The college can provide the online services through a secured server and students all over the globe can simply access it by paying for the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Discuss the classification of the leukaemias and how this can be used Essay

Discuss the classification of the leukaemias and how this can be used to help treat this group of disorders. Use specific types - Essay Example After they immigrate into the peripheral blood, through circulation, they infiltrate into other tissues (Wu, 2010). There are several types of leukemia and based on the lineage of cell that is involved, they can be classified as lymphocytic or myeloid. They can further classified as acute or chronic based on the natural history of the disease. Thus, there are basically, four common types of leukemia and they are (Wu, 2010): 1. Acute lymphocytic (or lymphoblastic) leukemia (ALL) 2. Acute myeloid (or myelogenous) leukemia (AML) 3. Chronic lymphocytic (or lymphoblastic) leukemia (CLL) 4. Chronic myeloid (or myelogenous) leukemia (CML) This classification of leukemias is very important from treatment point of view, because; presentation, treatment and prognosis for each group is different. Acute leukemias: ALL and AML ALL and AML share many clinical features and hence they are discussed under the same heading. The presentation of these leukemias is abrupt and within 3 months of onset of malignant changes in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissue. Clinical features of these leukemias is mainly related to malfunctioning of the malignant cells, pancytopenia and leukostasis. Leukostasis is a condition in which the microcirculation in the tissues can get occluded by leukemic blast cells. It mainly occurs when the blast cells counts exceed 100 x 109 per liter.. Decrease in red blood cell counts leads to anemia which manifests as pallor, dysnea on mild exertion and easy fatiguibility. When there is thrombocytopenia or decreased number of circulating platelets, the patient presents as easy bruisability, petechiae and excessive bleeding. More often than not, bleeding is seen from oral mucosa, especially gums and gastrointestinal bleeding. The latter manifests as hematochezia, malena or hematemesis. In girls who are menstruating severe blood loss can occur. When coagulation defects are also concomitant, bleeding is severe warranting hospitalization and blood transfusion. Sponta neous bleeding can also occur in the lungs, central nervous system and other organs. Decrease in the macrophage and granulocyte count can cause increased risk of infection,, especially of the perirectal tissues, skin, gingival tissue, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and lungs. Pathogens which frequently contribute to infections in these patients are gram positive cocci, gram negative bacilli and candida species (Wiernik, 2003). Infiltration of lymphnodes, liver and spleen by leukemic cells leads to lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Organ infiltration is seen more commonly in ALL than in AML. In advanced stages, even other organs can also get infiltrated wtih malignant cells leading to abdominal fullness, nausea, early satiety and loss of appetite. In those with T-cell variant ALL, anterior abdominal mass can be there. Testicular involvement can also occur in ALL. Soft tissue masses of leukemic cells, also known as chloromas can occur in any location in the body. More than 50 percent of patients with acute leukemia present with bone tenderness due to expanding malignant cell mass. Enlargement of the lymph nodes near ureters can cause ureteric obstruction. Other complications include pyelonephritis, nephropathy and renal hemorrhage. Infiltration of leukemic cells into the subarachnoid space may present as leukemic