Friday, May 15, 2020

Unemployment in America - 1450 Words

All throughout the years the economy has been changing, with the unemployment rate fluctuating to accommodate the economic changes. With unemployment on the rise people have to choose between their wants and needs based on their economic situation; the ability to prioritize these things will make or break them in this economy. The government plays a direct and indirect role in the economic lives of people as well. There are possibly things that can be done about the current economic situation but the problem has yet to be solved. Just as stated, the effect of the economy on Phenix City and Alabama has the employment of workers fluctuating. In a broken economy, where job losses and credit squeezes run hand-in-hand, managing money between need and wants can mean the difference between survival and bankruptcy - whether you are employed or not. After a person loses their job, the first things that they should do is re-evaluate their spending and separate their expenses into wants and nee ds. Needs are categorized as items that are essential to survival; while wants are categorized as things that are desired but are not necessary to live. People should not remove needs from your monthly spending, but they should be reduced as much as possible until employment is found. The grocery budget can be reduced, the use of electricity and water can be reduced, and minimizing driving can reduce gas expenses. The unfortunate reality of people losing their jobs is that they must get rid ofShow MoreRelatedUnemployment And Its Effects On America926 Words   |  4 Pagesin small,brown, moldy cardboard boxes or sleeping wherever they can to survive. There are about 5.5 percent of people in America that are employed even with a college degree, however, â€Å"people who lack high school diploma or GED make up a quarter month 2014 to date† (Bolen). 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